Advertising and Marketing Material
Advertising and marketing material can encompass a wide variety of documents, including (but certainly not limited to) websites, brochures, catalogues, posters, packaging, and labels. Not only will I read each piece for correct spelling and grammar, but I will also look at the bigger picture to ensure consistency with your brand and style standards and appropriateness for your particular audience. These materials often include photos, callouts, and other graphics, and I will check these elements against your copy to ensure alignment between all components.
Books and Journals
With precise and meticulous attention to detail, I will make sure your final project is polished and ready for publication by looking for typographical, layout, and formatting errors. Proofreading can be a copy-to-copy comparison to ensure all text has been captured correctly when formatted for publication, or a cold read (see below). It can be performed on hard copy or on screen. This is usually a final pass of a typeset book or journal before it is published and does not typically include editing for grammar or usage.
Cold Reads
I will read through the finalized, formatted version of your text with fresh eyes, looking for continuity, clarity, and consistency. A cold read is useful for catching errors
that would be noticeable to readers, especially typos, duplicate words, and missing words or punctuation. I will also look out for timeline problems and errors with characters and dialogue (e.g., the wrong character is speaking). A cold read is similar to proofreading, except there is no source material to compare to.
Advertising and marketing material can encompass a wide variety of documents, including (but certainly not limited to) websites, brochures, catalogues, posters, packaging, and labels. Not only will I read each piece for correct spelling and grammar, but I will also look at the bigger picture to ensure consistency with your brand and style standards and appropriateness for your particular audience. These materials often include photos, callouts, and other graphics, and I will check these elements against your copy to ensure alignment between all components.
Books and Journals
With precise and meticulous attention to detail, I will make sure your final project is polished and ready for publication by looking for typographical, layout, and formatting errors. Proofreading can be a copy-to-copy comparison to ensure all text has been captured correctly when formatted for publication, or a cold read (see below). It can be performed on hard copy or on screen. This is usually a final pass of a typeset book or journal before it is published and does not typically include editing for grammar or usage.
Cold Reads
I will read through the finalized, formatted version of your text with fresh eyes, looking for continuity, clarity, and consistency. A cold read is useful for catching errors
that would be noticeable to readers, especially typos, duplicate words, and missing words or punctuation. I will also look out for timeline problems and errors with characters and dialogue (e.g., the wrong character is speaking). A cold read is similar to proofreading, except there is no source material to compare to.